Laundry Tip

I have a little Samsung 4.5 kg washing machine. I love her!
When my marriage broke up and I was eking out a living in a spartan little flat and ploughing all my money into doctor's bills and an intensive electrolysis program I used to do all my washing by hand in a bucket in the shower recess!
Such is the "lifestyle choice" we transsexual people whimsically and so perversely!
So you can understand how my wash days are now a joy - just like in those bright sparkling 1950's ads! (I do wear an apron but not a horizontally striped day-dress altho' I do keep checking out my local vintage clothing shop!). I have a girlfriend who used to be convinced that my brain had become addled by watching too many episodes of "Leave it to Beaver". "Doctor, I feel like I'm Mrs Cleaver trapped in a man's body!". The aprons, I suppose ,were derived from an earlier, insidious exposure to Alice in "The Honeymooners"!
Nah! Mrs Cleaver I ain't! Something seems to happen even to the most compulsive-obsessive, anal-retentive of us all when we hit 50 something. Yes, the ominous slide into that saddest of indictments of modern, not permissive sex or gay rights, I'm talking about lowered standards of house-keeping!
Anyway, all that was just a long-winded and self indulgent lead-up to my Laundry Tip of the Day. "Ladies... and gentleman, yes I think we do have a gentleman in the audience, have you ever suffered from a clogged up fabric conditioner dispenser (collective groans emanate from amongst the throng of aprons and day dresses)?"
Well, try this: pour a jug of boiling water slowly through the dispenser. It seems to dissolve the conditioner residue and allows you to continue to enjoy warm, soft, fluffy towels. Mmmm!
Yes, I do worry about the environment! I compromise between pristine rivers and soft towels by only using half the daily recommended dosage. Hey! I'm no saint either! (Have you ever tried drying yourself on a saint's towel? Who needs a hair shirt?)
June meets Alice - hmmmm interesting images are dancing through my brain. Now of course I have to beg the answer to the question - are you truly stuck in a time-warp dear Paula? You actually wear an apron to do the laundry?! Why??? Get thee to a fasionista expert at once! I mean you could always save an extra load and simply wash away in the nude! ;p
And just a sudsy thought - the mass marketing, overly consumptive society of ours truly wishes for you to use the full strength pre-approved quantity of detergent and softener simply because it means you'll end up buying more! Consume! Consume! Consume! Afterall this is the only guarantee we do have that our clothes will be bright as bright and absolutely 120% clean! Bah HumStain I say! Hogwash!
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