May the Long Time Sun Shine...
May the long time
Sun shine upon you
All love surround you
And the pure light within you
Guide your way home!
(Incredible String Band)
Bright and fair fly the flags
Of the Aquarius hill tribes
Of the Rainbow Region.
Peace and rainbow flags flutter over the monthly market at the village of The Channon near Lismore in the Rainbow Region of northern NSW.
For our honeymoon Alexx and I chose a road trip in our new vee-dub diesel Polo to this lush, sub-tropical, fabled seat of the '60's and '70's hippie era and the Aquarian Revolution. We both had attachments to this area from that time and this was a way of revisiting our pasts and honouring the source of much of our mutual life ethos - a hope for the future, a dedication to peace, a love of diversity and a reverence for the Earth.
This was the journey we should have made all those years ago but we had another journey to make - the journey of our lives - before that was possible.
Our little car below the ancient sacred majesty of the Nimbin Rocks outside Nimbin Village, northern NSW
A lifetime journeying along the separate paths until the ripe moment when you both could walk the path together - blessed and glorious is this moment and many moments to come.
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