Sunday, September 18, 2005

Silencing Dissent...the user pays way!

Dangerous days ahead. Hey! What am I saying - they're already here!

Scott Parkin, American peace activist and promoter of non-violent protest is surrounded and hustled from a Melbourne sidewalk by 4 ASIO secret agents and 2 officers of Australia's most beloved and compassionate government department, DIMIA - department of Immigration & Multicultural & Indigenous Affairs. You know the guys that run the razor wire detention camps in the desert and wrongfully deport our own Australian citizens.

You can read some more transcripts on Alex's blog

or here at Margo Kingston's Webdiary

or here at the ABC

Oh! How a right wing government hell-bent on ramming home its ideologically-driven agenda loves a war - even one it helped start. Yep! 'cause then whenever anyone anywhere says anything against them, why surely that's a threat to national security! And then we have to lock them up - or deport them.

And we don't even have to explain why we did it - 'cause that would be jeopardising national security too - oh! how convenient.

What's even better, such a government gets to bill the victim! Yep, Scott now owes the Australian government $11, 000 for expenses incurred in muzzling dissent and degrading our integrity.

You know the only thing is...ummm! Scott Parkin was alledged to be a threat to national security for coaching some activists in non-violent methods of protest but what about our own Prime Minister, the dearly beloved John (I love you George W) Howard. He jumps on the bandwagon to help invade Iraq to support his mate Bush and thereby inflames international tensions.

Now I definitely call that a threat to national security!


Blogger Pat said...

Cheers Paula!
What I find interesting about non-violent protest and those who are pro-active and are willing to teach others the means and ways is that governments find this threatening! I mean surely non-violence is better than people running amok and violently destroying everything in sight, attacking strangers and those innocents?! Hey, but then again, maybe Gandhi wasn't such a good role model afterall?! Damn these democratic governments. Let the revolution begin I say - just kidding in a pseudo half-hearted way, of course.

4:54 am  

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