Spring into Summer

Spring's come and almost past
...so fast!
and summer's gath'ring
fat fruits,
warm winds,
bright buds n' berries
...and us.
We'll be flowers, won't we?
and wear light lemon cardies draped
over short sleeved shoulders.
Leave off our stockings
so soft summer skirts
swish n' brush
bare legs
We'll wear white sandals n' sunnies
and consider hats.
Float free n' easy-feeling
under summer breezes.
Such wonderful pictures! How strange it seems that you have summer there while we are going deeper and deeper into the darkness of winter :-) I wish I could visit just for a day or two and soak up the sun. Balmy evenings, walking along some shore, listening to the sound of the waves...
Ahhh food for my senses and soul. Shall we swing around the mulberry bush and dance beneath the lemons? As Marit said, it's a bit strange to fathom such lush richness and vividness as we fall deeper into the cold and soon to be snow. But I shall have to live vicariously through your images and words, dancing in happy celebration as you embrace Summer, at least in spirit.
Cheers Paula!
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Watching 'Lord of the Rings' recently Paul suddenly said "Look, the Moon is upside down!" Is that true? Is the Moon turned the other way around on your side? When I look at the the Moon I see a womans face. Some see a rabbit or hare. What do you see?
Hi! Marit! Hi! Paul! I'm not sure if the moon is the other way round here. Right now the moon is waxing from the new. It's a thin, sharp sickle on the left of the dark round belly. Is that the other way round to you?
I don't see a shape on the face of the moon. I don't try to look. I see the moon as silver/white/singing/bonelike/an amulet/a priestess disc/a pregnant belly/the pure soul of the goddess.
I just see Her brightness and roundness singing in the dark arching of the sky's bowl.
I talk to her sometimes on the wild, witch'es hill that is my backyard; She sings back to me like a glass bowl when it's struck.
I've always loved Lord of the Rings since I discovered the book in a left-wing resistance bookstore in 1970. The movie's great too.
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