Blessings from Birds

This morning we were roused from our routines by a raucous chorus high up in the gum trees at the back of the yard.
Oh! blessings from birds!
We had been visited by a flock of white-tailed black cockatoos.
Our tree-groved back yard on its sandy hill overlooking Coogee beach is home to kookaburras, magpies, currawongs, crows and the sweetest little green parrots (I won't mention those nazi messerschmidts of the Australian backyard - Indian Mynahs) but this is the first time that I have seen black cockatoos.
A magickal visitation!
I took some photos and found a great web-link here.

It's always magickal when something out of the ordinary appears - and the beauty of the experience - in this case of not just one or two, but a flock, simply transports us to another realm. :)
cheers Paula
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