My Birthday Boy

On Easter Sunday just past my dear man finally got his long longed-for wish and hosted a birthday party for his friends. He's wanted to do it for as long as we've known each other (this time!) and I should have made it happen earlier.
Oh! There were difficulties until we got the self-contained flat finished (it's a little capsule of Pattie Munster inside the tumble-down Herman and Lily of the house proper). From that perspective we could have held the party last year but I had a "annus horribilis" last year and was mired in the throes of some serious panic attacks.
This year tho' the sun of sanity has started to shine on my inner world and by keeping it simple we put together a wonderful little party for about a dozen guests. It's success could be read in the glow in Alexx's face and the sparkling in his eyes as he was surrounded by friends!
Nearly all the food got eaten (good sign!) and Alex's brother, George, helped guests harvest their own olives from our tree. Alexx's pet idea was to have a group blog. You can read what the guests had to say on Alexx's blog "we lost but we're not down"
You'll see lots of the photos we took that day there too.
I so love my man, he's so special!
I had a look at the pictures (and comments) sounds like a very nice party to me :-) Give Alex a hug from me and tell him I too wish him all the best and a prosperous and glorious future.
Indeed the party was a success and I'm glad that everyone had such a wonderful time of it. It's always great to have a true and meaningfully good time in good company :)
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